Violin Classes

Classes are divided into two terms of 13 weeks each plus one concert (December into January and January through May)

New Beginner Group Class Saturdays 10:00am with Irene Senent Alonso $300/term

This class is for all new beginners on violin from ages 4-6. We’ll cover basic rhythm and ear training, handling and caring for a violin, establishing the home practice routine, starting private lessons with a teacher, developing good posture and tone. Please do not rent or buy an instrument for the beginning of the class. All new parents must attend a free information and orientation session on Zoom.

Book 1 Class Tuesdays with Mark Luchkow $275/term

Currently held on Victoria Drive, This class is for Book 1 students who have not yet learned the Minuets.

Book 2 Class Saturdays 9:00am with Irene Senent Alonso $275/term

Currently held at St James Community Square. This class is for students in Book 2, though students learning the minuets will also benefit.

Book 3 Class Saturdays 11:00am with Mark Luchkow $275/term

Currently held at St James Community Square. This class is for students in Book 3, though students learning the Seitz Concertos will also benefit.

Junior Technique Class Wednesdays 4:15pm with Evelyn Creaser $300/term

Located in Shaughnessy, this class is for students in Book 4 and 5 who can play a three octave G major scale. By the end of the 2nd semester students generally know all major and minor three octave scales. In addition to polishing review, the group will also rehearse ensemble pieces for performance.

Intermediate Technique Class Wednesdays 5:30pm with Evelyn Creaser $300/term

Located in Shaughnessy, this class requires knowledge of 3 octave scales and arpeggios, (approx. grade 7-8 RCM, Suzuki Book 6). This class introduces new arpeggios (dominant and diminished) and many new bowing techniques as well as rehearsing ensemble pieces for performance.

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Fall 2023 Registration

Please submit one form per child. Classes are confirmed to run when enough registrations have been received.